Vongkitchen mission is to recommend what really matters. Each year, we independently test and review thousands of products to help you find just what you need. Our goal is to save you time and eliminate the stress of shopping, whether you’re looking for everyday kitchen utensils for loved ones.
We strive to be the most trusted product recommendation service around, and we work with total editorial independence. We won’t post a recommendation unless our customers have deemed something the best through rigorous reporting and testing.
These are the same things we choose for ourselves and recommend to our family and friends. If we recommend that you spend your hard-earned money on something, we take it as seriously as if our own money were on the line.
At Vongkitchen, we offer comprehensive products for your entire home. We provide custom kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, closets, stairs, and doors.
We maintain excellent relationships with brand value added manufacturers and designers so that we can offer the best and most current selection of products of only the highest quality. We offer competitive pricing and work closely with our clients to make sure that their individual needs are met.
Our products can be shipped to different locations in the U.S. depending upon the product and the location where it’s being shipped.
You can purchase products right from our website
Vongkitchen was founded in September 2015. We earn money through affiliate marketing programs in Amazon. That means we may get paid commissions on products purchased through our links to retailer sites. However, we recommend products based on our independent research, analysis, interviews, and testing. There’s no incentive for us to pick inferior products or to respond to pressure from manufacturers—in fact, it’s quite the opposite. If a reader returns their purchase because they’re dissatisfied or the recommendation is bad, we make no affiliate commission. We think that’s a pretty fair system that keeps us committed to serving our readers first. And of course, the decisions we make regarding the products we feature on our site are always driven by editorial and product testing standards, not by affiliate deals or advertising relationships.
Make the kitchen safer and enjoyable together.
Email: [email protected]